SueTV SURVEY - please answer in the comments and we will discuss today. What do u think the human behavior behind someone who needs someone very badly - someone who has very incriminating info on the person who needs them and has been nothing but honest & no inclination to hurt  people, pushes said person to hurt them. a. Do they resent the goodness and want to drag you down? b. Do they want to get caught? c. Are they sadistic & want to torture you not to go away but to keep you close and captive?


Do they want you to sink to their level so it's not just them who's behavior is so disgusting? I know the answer but I want to go deepah.



Is it just as simple as Sadomasochism? (i.e sudo sexual) it does take two to tango - the top and the bottom always. 


Like what causes people to gang rape? They say that violence can fun for some. Translate to the cancel culture - it was all started with #metoo Who's the gang?


What images on the screen have formed our society? Even the posters for movies have men in full body shot and only parts of the women.  Who creates these images? 

The #gislainemaxwelltrial is bringing this all more to light for me


They are showing u her- no the powerful men. Creating a show by thowing the women in front of the crimes. The women who allowed herself to be used to cover for the men and hurt other women.