So now the story has taken a turn in a new and more substantial direction.

Patience in a virtue and waiting through the drama and the hype - holding onto yourself can actually be the best way to hold onto your power and not let yourself be exploited. The more I sit still the bigger this becomes. Every time someone comes to me to exploit me they become part of the story. A story that I wrote a play about and didn’t even know my life would mimc it while I was living it and writing it.

More to come - follow the money because it’s never about the money.


I had just enough money to buy a one way ticket to LA - I had to get a ticket with two layovers because it was the cheapest. I didn’t even know where I was going to get the money for y return trip. That is how moved I was to do this. When you have nothing to lose, your faith becomes unstoppable. I remember picking the clothes I would wear to the meeting. A Cynthia Rowley structured TS with red whit and blue in it for my love of America and a pair of J Crew pinstriped pants and Micheal Kors gold Wedge sandals. I instinctually knew not to wear a dress. I wasn’t selling sex, I wanted advice. I had remembered what Les had said to me when I was younger “Sue they’re always looking at what they are buying” I didn't ‘ take that in a way that I now presents itself- like. prostitute because I was never for sale. I took it as if that’s the case then I’m going to look like a woman but a woman who means business. Every time someone said to me “You’re going to meet Les Moonves, I mean GOD’ I would respond “He’s not my God, God’s my God” In July 2017 I got on that plane to LA and my life changed forever…

How My journey to #CBS with Les Moonves began - the mission I had no idea I was called to do.

I can tell you with all my soul that a. voice came to me and said "Go see Les Moonves" after they canceled my summer tour in CHINA that THEY came 2 ME to do. I stood up for myself b/c the tour manager guy was being a dick. Imagine that I wanted to make sure I would be respected when I was IN CHINA for 6 weeks by myself? Like a big male baby blog who can't handle it- he pulled my tour, I lost all the money & my chance to re book myself. I HAD FUCKIN HAD IT- and so began my mission that I had no Idea I was called to do. I emailed Les Moonves and asked him to meet with me because I needed advice. He had given me my first two deals and had fucked me over when I was younger and I wanted to meet with him face to face. I was no victim- I wanted to go right at him- I wanted to do what the boys did and this is what a boys would do. All had to do was ask- I asked and he let me right into the lion’s den, his guard was down because he needed me (which I did not know ) He thought I was the “ol good girl Sue Costello” my addiction to being a good girl had healed and He his addiction to power had gotten worse … and so it began.

Slowly I Rise-

Sue Costello has been doing this for a long time - She does what she want’s and it’s about to pay off.

Who's with me 2

Let's come together and save the Bullies from themselves. They hate themselves - they would not act the way they do. Little babies in grown bodies. Let's be the collective Mommy and tell them to STOP IT. It's really the most loving thing to do for everyone. #whoswithme